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Add one log entry (click "Add Joint Visiting Log Entry" at bottom) for each joint visit that you attend as a consultant with this home visiting agency. Make sure to indicate the last name of the family you are visiting with for each entry so that you can sort entries by family (i.e., do so by clicking and dragging the number of an entry on the left side). Check the “Last Session With This Family?” box if that is your last joint visit with that specific family.


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Check if last session.

Use "Add" link at the bottom or the "+" icon to add a new row. When saved, the rows will automatically be sorted into descending chronological order based on the "Session Date"

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  • Add new choice

Use "Add" link at the bottom or the "+" icon to add a new row. When saved, the rows will automatically be sorted into descending chronological order based on the "Session Date"

  • Add new choice

Use "Add" link at the bottom or the "+" icon to add a new row. When saved, the rows will automatically be sorted into descending chronological order based on the "Session Date"


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