Survey submission for parent_family – child_family_focused – 033-001-118

1. The consultant responded to my referral in a timely manner. 2

2. The consultants role was clearly explained to me. 2

3. I felt I had a good relationship with the consultant. 2

4. I believe the consultation service was helpful. 2

5. I felt listened to by the consultant. 2

6. The consultant respected my opinions. 3

7. The consultant answered my questions. 2

8. I learned new ways to help children with challenging behaviors.

9. The consultation service positively affected the way I relate to children.

10. Overall, I am satisfied with the consultation service I recieved. 2

11. I feel the referring situation has improved. 2

12. What is ONE thing youre doing differently because of the consultation service you received?

13. Would you recommend this consultation service to other childcare providers? Why or why not?
I didn’t receive much benefit, but I would recommend it to another parent who is struggling with a young child’s behavior.

14. How can this consultation service be improved?
I would have preferred more contact and discussion with the worker.

15. To be answered by the family: Over the past 30 days, how many days of work or school has the family/caregiver missed due to the challenges a child has experienced while in child care? 16

16. To be answered by the family: Please rate your stress level related to your child’s challenges at ChildCare(please edit if you like the idea of adding it): 10

Other comments:
I have a foster child with severe trauma. His behavior is very antisocial. He was most recently removed from daycare for biting children and staff on a near daily basis. He also hits, kicks, scratches and punches in the face. He doesn’t share. If a child has a toy he wants, he takes it by force and then uses it as a weapon to beat the child. He is also very quick to have angry tantrums. I’m not sure how much, if any, progress was made.

OPTIONAL - Consultants Name:

OPTIONAL - Your Name:

Admin Information

Case ID: 6504

Case Title: 033-001-118

Case Type: child_family_focused

Survey Target: parent_family

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