PERM survey submission for post-consultation 025-001-159

PERM Survey Results

1. This child's behaviors interfere with my ability to perform my job effectively. 4
2. This child's behaviors interfere with my ability to take control. 4
3. This child's behaviors interfere with other children's opportunity to learn. 4
4. This child's behaviors may result in someone getting hurt or property being damaged. 4
5. This child might do something for which I would be held responsible, reflecting poorly upon my behavior management skills. 4
6. Other parents complain about this child's behaviors. 4
7. This child's behaviors are not likely to improve significantly. 3
8. There is little that I or anyone else can do to significantly improve this child's classroom behavior. 4
9. This chid's parents will not be much help in improving this child's behavior. 3
10. My job would be easier if this child were not in my program. 4
11. My job is more stressful because of this child's behaviors. 4
12. Some mornings I find myself hoping that this child will be absent. 4
Are you the individual that completed the PERM survey at pre-consultation AND are also completing the survey at post-consultation? No
If not, what factors lead to a different individual completing the pre-survey and the post-survey (e.g., classroom teacher change)? And how, if at all, did it impact the services that were provided?

Score Calculations

Total Score: 46
Range: 12 - 48
Average Score: 3.83
Range: 1 (Stronly Disagree) - 4 (Stronly Agree)
Average Classroom Disruption Score: 4
Questions 1, 2 & 3. Range: 1 (Stronly Disagree) - 4 (Stronly Agree)
Average Average Fear of Accountability Score: 4
Questions 4, 5 & 6. Range: 1 (Stronly Disagree) - 4 (Stronly Agree)
Average Hopelessness Score: 3.33
Questions 7, 8 & 9. Range: 1 (Stronly Disagree) - 4 (Stronly Agree)
Average Teacher Stess Score: 4
Questions 10, 11 & 12. Range: 1 (Stronly Disagree) - 4 (Stronly Agree)

Admin Information

Survey UUID: 66bb73eed465b
Case ID: 7089
Case Title: 025-001-159
Case Type: child_family_focused
Consultation Period: post-consultation
Survey Delivery Type: link
Survey Generation Date: 08/13/2024
Survey Submission Date: 08/13/2024
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