Home Visiting Programs Report

Overall Data

Number of HV Programs: 29
Number of Supervisors Across HV Programs: 37
Total Number of Families: 1200
Total Number of Home Visitors: 682
Group Reflective/Consultation Sessionss One-on-one Reflective/Consultation Sessions Joint Visits Training Sessions Provided
Overall (total) 314 267 5 26
Agency 000 1 0 0 0
Agency 025 138 46 0 21
Agency 033 54 12 1 0
Agency 039 25 71 0 2
Agency 043 4 0 0 1
Agency 073 22 1 0 1
Agency 077 46 132 0 1
Agency 082 24 5 1 0
Agency 282 0 0 3 0

Reflective Consultation with the HV Program Manager/Supervisor

Total Number of Reflective Sessions with Supervisor: 231
Average Number of Sessions in a Program: 11

Reflective Sessions Last Month:

Total Number of Sessions Last Month: 0

Focus of Sessions:

(List of categories with their percentage. Categories are currently TBD)
Total: Percentage:
Team relationships: 111 48.1%
Supervisor supervisee relationships: 131 56.7%
Supervisor experiences affecting the work: 52 22.5%
Supervisor stressors: 112 48.5%
Cultural Humility/Implicit bias: 11 4.8%
Adult mental health: 16 6.9%
Linkages to supports for HV: 17 7.4%
Trauma, loss, and grief: 15 6.5%
Boundaries: 24 10.4%
Decision-making: 65 28.1%
Other: 42 18.2%
Community Stressors (e.g., poverty, violence, lack of resources, etc.): 7 3%
no show: 1 0.4%
Growing collaborations: 1 0.4%
Conflict and opportunity: 1 0.4%
CPS relationship building: 1 0.4%
Mentoring supervisors: 1 0.4%
Staff hiring : 1 0.4%
Reflective Supervision: 6 2.6%
History of staffing: 1 0.4%
New/changing staffing: 1 0.4%
Building DHHS relationships: 1 0.4%
IPV/DV issues for training: 1 0.4%
Details of multi-county programming and management: 1 0.4%
Discuss useful training topics: 1 0.4%
Program growth upcoming: 1 0.4%
Familiarize me to program, staff and structure: 1 0.4%
Program planning and support: 1 0.4%
Programmatic stressors : 1 0.4%
Supervisee stressors affecting work: 1 0.4%
programmatic stressors : 1 0.4%
Transitions: 1 0.4%

Reflective Consultation with Home Visitors

Total Home Visits: 581
Average Number of Home Visits in a Program: 25.26

1-on-1 Sessions:

Total Number of 1-on-1 Sessions: 267
Number of 1-on-1 Sessions in Last Month: 0
Total Length of 1-on-1 Sessions: 17940
Topics Addressed: Total: Percentage:
Stress of Home Visitor: 163 22%
HV Relationships with families: 114 15.4%
Adult mental health: 62 8.4%
Family relationships and dynamics: 60 8.1%
HV Relationship with Supervisors: 54 7.3%
Parent/child Attachment/Relational Health: 48 6.5%
Boundaries, case transitioning: 47 6.3%
Trauma, loss and grief of Family: 46 6.2%
HV Relationships with coworkers: 33 4.4%
Trauma, loss and grief for HV: 32 4.3%
Linkages to supports for family: 28 3.8%
Intervention planning: 18 2.4%
Child based developmental Guidance: 12 1.6%
Other: 7 0.9%
Child mental health: 6 0.8%
Cultural Humility/Implicit bias: 4 0.5%
no show: 4 0.5%
Linkages to supports for HV: 3 0.4%
Referral for IMH services: 1 0.1%

*"Other" category subsumes written entries under 2%

Group Sessions:

Total Number of Group Sessions: 314
Number of Group Sessions in Last Month: 0
Total Length of Group Sessions: 21885
Total Number of Group Session Attendees: 1384
Topics Addressed: Total: Percentage:
Stress of Home Visitor: 119 13.9%
HV Relationships with families: 110 12.8%
Adult mental health: 104 12.1%
Family relationships and dynamics: 102 11.9%
Trauma, loss and grief of Family: 60 7%
Parent/child Attachment/Relational Health: 56 6.5%
Intervention planning: 45 5.3%
Boundaries, case transitioning: 42 4.9%
Linkages to supports for family: 38 4.4%
Child based developmental Guidance: 32 3.7%
Trauma, loss and grief for HV: 25 2.9%
HV Relationship with Supervisors: 23 2.7%
HV Relationships with coworkers: 20 2.3%
Child mental health: 19 2.2%
Other: 19 2.2%
Cultural Humility/Implicit bias: 18 2.1%
Linkages to supports for HV: 9 1.1%
IPV: 3 0.4%
Group Norms & Team Building: 1 0.1%
Group Rapport Building: 1 0.1%
training needs for group: 1 0.1%
Safety in HVs: 1 0.1%
HV challenges, introductions: 1 0.1%
Parallel Process: 1 0.1%
Values: 1 0.1%
Family Engagement: 1 0.1%
Crisis Planning: 1 0.1%
Programmatic Stressors : 1 0.1%
Programmatic stressors : 1 0.1%
mandated reporting: 1 0.1%
Programmatic Changes: 1 0.1%

*"Other" category subsumes written entries under 2%

Specialized Mental Health Training

Total Number of Attendees: 160
Topics Addressed: Total: Percentage:
Attachment and Relational Health: 4 12.5%
Boundaries/Case transitioning: 4 12.5%
Other: 4 12.5%
Adult Relationships: 3 9.4%
Mental health disorders- Adult: 3 9.4%
Parallel Process: 2 6.3%
Child abuse and neglect: 2 6.3%
Health equity/Cultural and Implicit bias: 2 6.3%
Substance abuse: 1 3.1%
Intimate partner violence: 1 3.1%
Social emotional health- child: 1 3.1%
Trauma Loss and Grief: 1 3.1%
Secondary Traumatic Stress: 1 3.1%
Reflective Functioning: 1 3.1%
Engagement: 1 3.1%
Screening/assessment for IPV/DV: 1 3.1%
Mental health disorders- child: 0 0%
Community linkages: 0 0%
Child Development: 0 0%

*"Other" category subsumes written entries under 2%

Joint Home Visiting

Total Number of Families Across Programs: 3
Total Number of Joint Home Visits in all Programs: 5
Total Length of Coaching Sessions in all Programs: 255
Reasons for Joint Home Visits: Total: Percentage:
Adult mental health: 2 18.2%
Other: 2 18.2%
Cultural Humility/Implicit bias: 1 9.1%
Child mental health: 1 9.1%
Intervention planning: 1 9.1%
Linkages to supports for family: 1 9.1%
Family relationships and dynamics: 1 9.1%
Parent/child Attachment/Relational Health: 1 9.1%
HV Relationships with families: 1 9.1%
Child based developmental Guidance: 0 0%
Trauma, loss and grief of Family: 0 0%
Boundaries, case transitioning: 0 0%

*"Other" category subsumes written entries under 2%

Home Visiting Program Self-Efficacy Survey Results - statewide

Question: How confident are you that you can…
(1 = No Confidence, 2 = Low Confidence, 3 = Average Confidence, 4 = High Confidence, 5 = Extremely High Confidence)
Average Score: Standard Deviation:
1. Describe/discuss observations of infant or toddler, attentive to health, social, emotional, and cognitive capacities and the stories parents share? 1.60 1.20
2. Build a trusting relationship with my supervisor? 1.40 0.80
3. Feel safe to discuss emotional responses to infants and families in the context of supervision? 1.40 0.80
4. Regularly examine my thoughts, feelings, strengths, and growth areas? 1.60 1.20
5. Remain open to feedback from my supervisor about my work with infants and caregivers? 1.40 0.80
6. Describe/discuss observations of parent(s), attentive to strengths and concerns/risks? 1.80 1.60
7. Identify the parallels that may exist between my emotional responses and the experiences of the families and infants I serve? 1.40 0.80
8. Describe/discuss the interactions and developing relationship between parent and young child? 1.40 0.80
9. Consult with my supervisor to understand my own capacities and needs? 1.20 0.40
10. Discuss emotional responses regarding difficult or challenging experiences with infants and families in the context of supervision? 1.00 0.00
11. Identify ways in which my emotional responses may have interfered with my ability to identify or meet the needs of infants and families? 1.00 0.00
12. Address ruptures or misattunements that have occurred with my supervisor in the context of supervision? 1.80 1.60
13. Address ruptures or misattunements that have occurred with infants and families in the context of supervision? 1.80 1.60
14. Use observations and listening skills to assess the infant/toddler’s developing capacities, strengths, risks, needs, diagnosis (if appropriate) to construct an intervention or treatment plan? 1.00 0.00
15. Understand the reason(s) for service to the infant and family and put into words what is at the center of your work together? 1.00 0.00
16. Discuss instances of not knowing what to do in work with infants and caregivers? 1.00 0.00
17. Integrate supervisory discussions and details into the work with infants and families? 1.00 0.00
18. Manage work-related stress? 1.00 0.00
19. Overall, I am satisfied with the consultation/training I recieved: (0 = Strongly Disagree, 1 = Disagree, 2 = Neutral, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree) 0.00 0.00
Total number of surveys returned 5

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